Rakim's Blog

Joining tables in Sequelize

// import the Model(i.e Tables)
const Cart = require("../model/cart");
const Dish = require("../model/dish");

// define the association between the tables.
// doc link: https://sequelize.org/docs/v7/associations/basics/
Cart.hasMany(Dish, {
    // equivalent of joining on Cart.dishId = Dish.id
    foreignKey: "id",
    sourceKey: "dishId",

// include the table you want to join.
// doc link: https://sequelize.org/docs/v7/querying/select-in-depth/#eager-loading-include
const cart = await Cart.findAll({
    // include required attributes
    // doc link: https://sequelize.org/docs/v7/querying/select-in-depth/#selecting-attributes
    attributes: ["*", "Cart.*"],
    include: [
            model: Dish,
            required: true,
    where: { userId: req.params.userId },

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